
Pupil Premium

At St Aidan’s we want our children to be knowledgeable of the world around them and to develop the skills and values to be successful and make positive contribution to society. We have high aspirations and ambitions for all of our children and believe that no child should be left behind.

At St Aidan’s we are determined to ensure that our children are given every chance to realise their full potential and aspire to do their best in order to develop into
courteous individuals who make the most of opportunities that come their way.

Learning at St Aidan’s is engaging, interactive and includes a range of experiences within the classroom and beyond. Children will be challenged and supported to achieve their potential.

Please read our Pupil Premium Strategy for 2022 – 2025 below:

Pupil Premium Strategy 2022 – 2025

Sports Premium

All schools receive funding to improve sports provision within their school. At St Aidan’s we appreciate the importance of sports both within and outside of school.

We will periodically update our Sports Premium document to reflect changes throughout the year.

St Aidans PE-Premium-22-23 (final)

St. Aidan’s PE Sports Premium 2023-2024