After the disappointment of our first school trip being cancelled a few weeks ago, we were all really looking forward to experience the delights in The Discovery Museum.
After a short drive we arrived just in time for the opening. We were split into 4 groups with a teacher as the leader. We were able to experience life as a cavalry soldier, and even smell the odours that the soldiers would have, as well as trying on their uniforms. We were able understand the differences between times gone by and now when we walked through, what was like, a time machine. We paid particular attention to The Victorian era, as this was the time of The Great Fire of Gateshead and Newcastle which is what we have been learning about in History lessons. After that, the children were able to experience what life would have been like when teachers were their age and the toys and technology available. The children recognised how there has been so much advance in technology.
Not only did we learn more about history, we were able to further develop our scientific knowledge in our topic on Forces. We saw gravity with the ball spiral, were able to use our contact forces of push and pull on the pulleys and levers as well as experiencing the non contact force of magnetism. All in all , a very successful visit with lots of practical learning, helping us develop our knowledge of both our History and Science topics.