
Our Maths topic this half term is Measurement.

Yesterday, as a starter, we used a ruler to count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We then learnt that a ruler is measured in centimetres and when we measure the length of an object, we must always start at zero. We then discussed the types of objects that we could measure using a ruler. Some of our responses included; ‘glue sticks’, ‘pencils’ and ‘Maths books’.

Next, on the whiteboard, there were objects that had been measured using a ruler. The children had to look at how long the objects were and write the correct length and unit of measurement on their own whiteboard. The children then worked in pairs and completed a table that had a list of objects they had to measure from around the classroom. They then referred back to our STEM sentences of the day ‘A Maths book is longer than a rubber‘ and ‘A pencil sharpener is shorter than a pair of scissors’ and compared the lengths of different objects.