
In our Maths lessons this week we have been looking at ‘counting principles’.

The principles we have looked at have been one to one counting, saying number names in order and ‘Subitising’, which is the ability to accurately determine a number, without having to consciously count.

We took turns in our group to play snakes and ladders. When the children rolled the dice, some of them subitised the number, whilst others counted the dots. They then moved that amount of spaces on the game board. The children loved being the dragon and unicorn characters in the game!

They also played a game called ‘Ten Penguins’ where they both worked on their number skills, as well as colours! First, the children would roll a number dice, followed by a colour dice, which would then determine how many and what colour penguins they had to pick up and place onto their ten board.

The children have also practised their counting skills during their play, in activities such as; placing rolled play doh buttons onto gingerbread men in the play doh area.