by Mrs Spoors | Feb 11, 2025 | Community, Outdoor Learning Zone, Reception, Religious Education
In RE, Reception class have been learning all about the world that God created and how we can look after it. They learnt about Umuganda, a community project that happens once a month in Rwanda. Communities come together to work on projects to help improve the local...
by Miss McAllister | Feb 7, 2025 | Religious Education, School News, Year Three
On Thursday, Year 3 went on a very special trip to a local Gurdwara as part of our RE topic: What does it mean to be a Sikh in Britain today? While we were there we were given a tour of the building, learnt lots about Guru Nanak and the Guru Granth Sahib and some of...
by Mrs Fraser | Feb 2, 2025 | Collective Worship, Curriculum, Religious Education, School News, Year Six
On Friday, we welcomed our family and loved ones into school for our Year 6 collective worship. As we commemorated Holocaust Memorial Day on Monday at St Aidan’s, we focused our collective worship on the Christian value of forgiveness. We shared stories of two...
by Miss Walker | Jan 31, 2025 | Religious Education, Religious Life, School News, Year Five
This week, Year 5 had the opportunity to visit a reformed synagogue located in Gosforth. Year 5 are currently learning about Judaism in their RE lessons and had excellent knowledge on the topic when questions were asked upon the visit. Our tour guide Linda educated us...
by Hayleigh Greenwell | Dec 19, 2024 | Christmas Shows, Community, Curriculum, English, Religious Education, Religious Life, School News, Year Five, Year Four, Year Six
This week in school, the children across EYFS, KS1 and KS2 have performed their nativities in front of their parents and carers. KS2 performance was called ‘Straw and Order’, a lawfully good nativity, with a fun twist on the classic nativity story. The story begins in...
by Hayleigh Greenwell | Dec 19, 2024 | Community, Curriculum, Religious Education, Religious Life, School News, Year Five
Earlier this week, some children in Year 5 were lucky enough to be chosen to read some prayers that would be broadcast all around the UK on Christian Radio. The children worked alongside Mrs Gourley whilst writing their prayers. Every prayer was unique and the...