Celebrating Libraries Week in Year 4

Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating libraries week this week. We started off our week by visiting Gateshead library. We began by completing a library bingo task where we had to find a range of different books which met different criteria, such as ‘a book that was published this year’ and ‘a book that has a lion on the front’. This gave us a chance to have a good look around the library and see all of the fantastic books on offer. We then were given the opportunity to choose a book to borrow from the library to take back to school. 

On Tuesday, our families were invited to visit our school library with us. We loved showing our adults around and shared some of our favourite stories with them. We also searched around the library to find ‘golden tickets’ which Mrs Fraser had hidden in some of the new books. Those of us who found a golden ticket won a book of our own!