This year we have been fortunate enough to be able to provide all children with an additional PE kit.

Please be aware that some fittings are slightly larger, which is perfect for growing children and will hopefully save costs for the future. Feel free to use your child’s smaller kit from last year until they fit the new one.

Children in years 1-6 should come into school wearing their PE kits on their chosen PE lesson days.

Reception class however, will change into their PE kit in school. This is aimed as a skill building exercise for young children to build their independence.

In addition to the yellow top, shorts and hoodie provided by school, children can also wear plain black joggers / leggings and plain black/ blue shoes.

Please do not buy clothes with large patterns or branding as children will be asked to change into a spare school kit.

Please do not modify school kits with branding or initials as you will have to purchase a new kit for your child/ children.
Cost effective kits can be found at:

Two acceptable versions of the additional kit are shown below.