In science today we looked at how to separate different materials. We looked at how to separate water spilt in sand and developed a solution through using coffee filter papers. For metals mixed in with another solid we would use a magnet, and a sieve could be used if two solids were mixed which were of different sizes
We then investigated chromatography and how it is used to separate mixes. In the ‘real world’ it is used to test food and medicines to ensure they don’t contain dangerous impurities as well as testing water to ensure it does not contain any pollution.
Using coffee filter paper, we could see how felt tip colours separate. We realised that green filters into the primary colours of yellow and blue which are combined to create it. We were surprised that black created a spectrum of colours . Through investigation we learned that red, yellow and blue do not separate into any other colours due to them being primary colours. We also found out that permanent markers do not filter at all.