Aspire to Engineer with Jamie Shotton

This afternoon, the children in Year 6 took part in an interactive Zoom call with an experienced engineer called Jamie Shotton, who has previously worked for Microsoft designing technology for XBox and now works on designing and creating sustainable electric cars that make use of Artificial Intelligence and Self-driving technology. He told us about working in engineering as a career and shared what inspired him to become an engineer when he was younger. We discussed the different qualities that would be useful in the engineering industry.

Jamie then set us a challenge to design a vehicle of the future. We began by listing what we would like our car to achieve and what we did not want our car to do, before designing our car and considering how it would work. Many of the children chose to focus upon electric cars and cars powered by renewable energy such as solar or wind energy. We considered how to make sure that our vehicles did not have a negative impact on the environment.