Key stage 2 Safer Internet Assembly

We enjoyed an informative and interactive workshop with Tony and Dan from Clennell Education Solutions where we talked about being safe online. Tony talked about wanting to live in a world where we are all equal and treat people with respect. He reminded us of the SMART rules and talked about them in the real world and the new dangers that are appearing on a daily basis. Tony then talked about social media and related the apps which children use to the age restrictions on them. There is a reason for the age restrictions and we should be mindful about using them. Another important point Tony made was ensuring that we lock our accounts and keep them private. There is advice on our eSafety page on setting up security settings. 

Some children were shocked to hear the age of criminal responsibility is 10 and they could potentially get a criminal record for how they use the internet. Our actions at a young age can stop us getting jobs when we are adults.

Tony discussed cyberbullying and how this form of bullying can take place 24 hours per day. He added we should think carefully about the messages we post online and to think if we would say these things to someone’s face. At St Aidan’s we ask they children if their grandparents would be happy to read their posts…. or even Mrs Lain or Mrs Steele!

The most important message we heard today was tell a trusted adult if we are unsure about anything.