R.E In Reception Class

This half term Reception class have been learning about Salvation, listening to stories and parables which help us understand more about the Easter story. We have learnt about the Two Builders who build houses in the sand and on the rocks. The parable of the sower and how the seeds fall on different types of grounds and which seeds grew to be strong and healthy and the story of the Good Samaritan. We have thought about ways in which we can help others like the Good Samaritan did and know that God is always there when we need to ask for help. We learnt that in churches and cathedrals there are candles that can be lit as a symbol as prayer and asking for God’s help, just like Jesus did in the garden of Gethsemane. We lit candles and added prayers to our new prayer box in our pause for thought area. We also learnt a special candle prayer song.