Luke 24 discusses a story of two disciples that travel to a small town called Emmaus, on their way they are joined by a stranger (Jesus following his resurrection) who walks with them to the town. He is interested to discuss the events that had recently taken place (his own death and resurrection). However, it is not until later in the day that they finally see who this stranger really is. As he breaks the bread and shares it with his followers the veil is lifted from their eyes.
Why is this story important you may ask? Well, we have opportunities to encounter Jesus in our lives each and every day. The question is “do we choose to accept him” or do we remain passive… For many years Mrs Steele has been the driving force of our school, pushing children, teachers, parents and the wider community to allow Jesus into our lives and guide us all through his compassion and loving mercy.
John 10:10 epitomizes this with “I have come in order that you might have life, life in all its fullness”. Without our leaders like Mrs Steele our school – St. Aidan’s – wouldn’t be the place it is today. We thank you for your support and guidance. May you follow your own road to Emmaus as you enter retirement.