This afternoon the children in year 5 took part in first aid workshops. At first they worked with Wayne and investigated allergies and how the body can react. They learned about EpiPens and how they can save lives when an allergy can close the airways. We discussed the airways In our throat and the separate ways the food and air go. If the food goes the wrong way down our throat it would become blocked leading to choking. We had a go at the procedure we use if someone is choking by using a special vest. Following this we spoke about what to do if someone is bleeding and how to reduce the bleeding using elevation and compression with a bandage. We enjoyed having a go at applying a bandage to a partner on different parts of our body.
We then moved into the hall to work with Matt who spoke about the steps we work through when dealing with someone who is unconscious. We learned about the importance of putting people into the recovery position and practiced on each other.