Year 3 enjoyed leading the collective worship for the school in the theme of Children in Need. The children loved this theme as it was made extra special because we were all dressed up in yellow or spotty clothing!
Our collective worship began with the singing of one of our favourite songs ” My Lighthouse”, which was chosen by the children, who worked really hard to learn all the lyrics and we also added actions to the chorus.
The children then retold and acted out the story of the Widow’s Mite from the Bible (Mark 38-44). In the story, Jesus is sat in a place of worship and watches as people give monetary donations. Lots of people come by and give lots of money but then a widow passes and gives just two small coins. Jesus then meets with his disciples to say that “this woman has given more than anyone. The others all gave from their wealth, but this woman gave all that she had.”
The children linked this story to the schools values of being kind, and how sometimes we can be kind by giving to others, even when it is simply a smile. Children in Need is all about helping those out of kindness, and we have celebrated that in school by dressing up and taking part in a raffle.
We ended our collective worship with the song “this little light of mine”, remembering that at St Aidan’s we are all lights in the world.