Today is the first day of Lent, also known as Ash Wednesday. This is an important time of prayer and reflection but also a time when many people sacrifice or give something up that they love – perhaps chocolate, sweets or even using social media. Others might decide to do something extra, like helping out more at home or making an effort to do nice things for their family and friends.
At St Aidan’s, we are all taking part in a 40 acts of kindness challenge. 40, as it the amount days leading up to Easter Sunday and of course the amount of days that Jesus spent in the Judean desert fasting.
We will be noting the acts of kindness that we are able to complete in the 40 days. We all have challenge sheets, which we will mark off, to show individual acts of kindness. As well as that, in each class we will be attempting to fill up a jar with purple tokens, to see how many acts have been made with kindness, compassion and love.
We will let you all know how we are doing at the half way point and before we break up for Easter.