In RE this half term we are going to be learning about The Easter Story.
in our lesson today, we first talked about what Easter means to us, how we celebrate it and what we already know about Easter.
We then read a story with Tom and Tessa from our RE chatterbox all about Palm Sunday. We learnt that this special day is the first day of Easter. We also found a cross, donkey and palm leaf inside of the box, which are all special objects in relation to the story.
After hearing the story, we decided to make our own palm leaves and created our own Palm Sunday parade shouting, ‘Hosanna’ to celebrate Jesus riding in on a donkey. The palm cross reminds Christians of Palm Sunday and Jesus dying. Even though the crowds welcomed Jesus, some people were jealous of him – and, a week later, Jesus was arrested and killed on the cross. This was a very sad time, but Christians believe that this was not the end of the story.
Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at more stories from The Bible all about Easter.