Visit to the Mayor

On Friday, the School Councillors enjoyed a visit to Gateshead Civic Centre to meet the Mayor.

The children were taken into the Council Chambers where council meeting take place and they also visited the Mayor’s Parlour.

They learnt that the Mayor, Mrs Eileen McMaster, is the first citizen of the Borough. She is a serving councillor who was nominated by fellow councillors.

The children were shown the mace and learnt that it is the formal symbol of the Mayor’s authority. It is used at full meetings of the Council. The Mace Bearer carries the mace into the chamber in front of the Mayor.

The present mace was given to Gateshead Council in 1902, making it 122 years old. The mace is carried over the Mace Bearer’s right should with the cross and orb pointing upwards. When the King enters the Borough, the Mayor becomes the second citizen so the cross and orb point downwards as a mark of respect.

When on official duty, the Mayor will always ear the Chain of Office. The medallion in the centre, bears the coat of arms of Gateshead.

Every Mayor of Gateshead since 1851 has worn robe. They have large pickets in the sleeves – a reminder of the days when it was the duty of the Mayor to collect the Borough’s taxes.

The School Councillors enjoyed their morning, learnt lots and represented St. Aidan’s very well.