What an amazing start to our new year group we have had! It has been such a busy, hard working and extremely fun start to our year.
On Tuesday, myself and Mrs Bullerwell had a lovely day getting to know our children in class. We spent the day creating our Year 5 classroom rules, talking about the topics we would be covering over the year ahead and re-capping what is expected of the children at St. Aidans school. These expectations included; our school rules and our school values.
On Wednesday, we found out that our featured authors of the Autumn term are; J K Rowling and David Walliams. The children researched the authors and created fact files about them. These will be displayed as a collage in our reading area. After lunch, Mrs Smith told us our PE topic is ‘Rugby’. We took part in games, practising our throwing and catching skills in small groups. Mrs Smith then went over some of the rules when playing a game of rugby. After PE, we touched on Science, covering topics such as; rocks, habitats, the human body and food groups.
On Thursday, we found out that in our English lessons our topic will be ‘Fairytales’. We watched 2 videos of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and then compared them both, looking at the opening, build up, dilemma, resolution and endings. In Maths, we looked at Roman Numerals up to 1,000. We also visited the chapel as part of our class pause for thought. We discussed why the chapel is important to our school, importance of the Bible and how our school values are core to our Christian ethos.
We have also took part in lots of other classroom activities, such as; hit the button, where we’ve worked as a team and continued to build up our Maths skills and in our first Art lesson, drew our self portraits.