Our topic this half term in RSHE is: Celebrating Difference. In today’s lesson, we focused on the lesson title; ‘Understanding Bullying’.
At the beginning of the lesson, Miss Greenwell asked the children to talk to their partners about their own physical features, naming one part of their appearance they like about themselves. Some comments included; ‘I like my soft, brown hair’ and ‘I like my green eyes’. The children then made a comment about their partners. Some of these included; ‘I like the style of your glasses’ and ‘I like your smile’. Hearing these comments really made everyone smile!
Mrs Newton then read the children ‘Maya’s story’ telling the story of a little girl who experienced bullying. The children then discussed what happened to Maya and noticed how there was a pattern of events throughout her journey that all added up to her being bullied by others.
The children then discussed the questions; ‘Should you report a one off incident to a trusted adult, or would they be better to wait until they know if it really is bullying?’ A lot of the children agreed that if they noticed that someone was hurt or upset, that they would tell a trusted adult immediately, regardless if the incident seemed big or small.
This afternoon’s session showed Year 4’s fantastic understanding of how different we all are, but how everyone should be treated equally with respect throughout their lives.