At the start of the week, we decorated our classroom Christmas tree with festive decorations. We also put out our Christmas postbox so we can send Christmas cards to our friends over the next few weeks.
In our RE lesson this week, we looked at a Christian and Non-Christian Christmas. We first created a mind map answering the question; ‘What do we think when we hear words Christmas? Some of our responses included; presents from others, shopping, stress, dinner, fun gatherings, love, baking Christmas cookies, joy, Santa Claus , films, family time, gift of hope for the future, decorations and elf on the shelf. We then discussed how some of these responses are linked to Jesus, such as, love, receiving presents, hope, joy and excitement and how we wouldn’t have a Christmas, if the birth of Jesus didn’t happen.
We then answered the question; ‘Why do Christians want to make Christmas about Jesus? We answered this with, ‘because we celebrate the day he was born and he is the second coming of God. He came to save us as he is the saviour.’
For our book task, we compared a Christian and non Christian Christmas household. The children used speech to talk about what children in each household would say at Christmas time. For example, in a Christian household a child may say ‘I can’t wait to celebrate the birth of Jesus in my church’ and a non-Christian household saying, ‘I love eating turkey. I can’t wait to open my toys’.