Children’s Mental Health Week in Year 6

At St Aidan’s, we have been celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. This week in Year 6, we have been learning about different ways in which we can look after our own mental health in order to live a happy and successful life now and in the future.

The theme of this year’s Children Mental Health Week is ‘Let’s Connect!’ Let’s Connect is about making meaningful connections. People thrive in communities, and this connection is vital for our wellbeing. When we have healthy connections – to family, friends and others – this can support our mental health and our sense of wellbeing. For Children’s Mental Health Week 2023, we have been encouraging our children to connect with others in healthy, rewarding and meaningful ways.

In Year 6. we discussed what connecting with others means to us and the importance of communicating our thoughts, feelings and worries with trusted adults. Then we enjoyed designing posters and artwork to share with members of the local community.