Religious Education
Through the study of religious education, our pupils will know about and understand Christianity as a living faith that influences the lives of people worldwide and as the religion that has most shaped British culture and heritage. They will know and understand about other major world religions and non-religious worldviews, their impact on society, culture and the wider world. Develop their own spiritual/philosophical convictions, exploring and enriching their own beliefs and values.
Children will learn subject specific vocabulary relating to their year group, this can be accessed by clicking on this document:
KS2 Nativity – ‘Straw and Order’
This week in school, the children across EYFS, KS1 and KS2 have performed their nativities in front of their parents and carers. KS2 performance was called ‘Straw and Order’, a lawfully good nativity, with a fun twist on the classic nativity story. The story begins in...
Christian Radio
Earlier this week, some children in Year 5 were lucky enough to be chosen to read some prayers that would be broadcast all around the UK on Christian Radio. The children worked alongside Mrs Gourley whilst writing their prayers. Every prayer was unique and the...
Wise Men Posters
This morning in Year 5, the children have been creating their own Wise Men posters for their Christmas Nativity; ‘Straw and Order’. In the play, the wise men have fans who adore and worship the ground they walk on, so they have created posters for the fans to hold up...
Islamic Diversity Centre visits Year 6
This half term in RE, we have been learning about Islam and how Muslims follow God. We have been learning about the Five Pillars of Islam and how these foundations for living guide Muslims in their lives. Then we learnt savour the Quran and how it was revealed to the...
RE – A Christian and Non-Christian Christmas
At the start of the week, we decorated our classroom Christmas tree with festive decorations. We also put out our Christmas postbox so we can send Christmas cards to our friends over the next few weeks.In our RE lesson this week, we looked at a Christian and...
English – The Christmas Story
In English this morning, we found out that we would be concentrating on The Christmas Story, in preparation for us to write a diary entry towards the end of half term. In our lesson today, we focused on speaking and listening. We watched a video of The Christmas...
This week, it was Year 5’s turn to visit the chapel for collective worship with Reverend Yvonne and a new member of the church, Reverend Hannah. First, we sang a hymn to start our worship, before a child from class read a short reading from The Bible. We then bowed...
RE – What kind of saviour did the people of God want?
In RE this half term, we will be answering the question, ‘Was Jesus the Messiah?’ Today in class, we looked at the question, ‘What kind of saviour did the people of God want?’ As a class, we came up with lots of characteristics of what kind of saviour the people of...
The Birth of Jesus
We are excited to share with you some of the wonderful activities that we have done in our RE lessons. Our question this half term is ‘Why Does Christmas Matter to Christians?’ They have been learning about the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke. Children went on...
What is it like to follow God?
This half term in Year 3, we are answering the question ‘What is it like to follow God?’ This week we looked at the story of Noah’s Ark. We found the story in the bible and read it together. We thought about the symbol of the rainbow and what it was like for Noah and...