Through the study of English, St Aidan’s pupils will develop a joy of reading. They will learn to express themselves clearly and with confidence – both orally and in writing – using standard English. They will develop the skill to listen to others and reflect upon their own ideas to become effective communicators.
For more information about our phonics scheme, the teaching of reading and a list of common exception words for each year group, click on this link: https://staidanscofe.org/teaching-of-reading/
Our First Week in Year 5…
What an amazing start to our new year group we have had! It has been such a busy, hard working and extremely fun start to our year. On Tuesday, myself and Mrs Bullerwell had a lovely day getting to know our children in class. We spent the day creating our Year 5...
Ahoy Matey!
Following on with reading ‘Aliens love underpants’, Nursery were so excited to take part in pirate themed activities this week. On Monday and Tuesday, the children created their own pirate hats. They designed the front of their hats using paint, sequins and tissue...
Our Week in Nursery…
We have had another fun-filled, busy and exciting week in Nursery. Our focus story this week was ‘Pirates love underpants’. “These pirates SO love underpants. They’re on a special quest to find the fabled Pants of Gold, for the Captain’s treasure chest.” On the Art...
RE – The Ten Lepers
In RE last week, we listened to the story “The Ten Lepers”. We learnt that, as Jesus was travelling to Jerusalem he came across 10 lepers. The men had a horrific, sickness disease called leprosy. People in villages didn’t like lepers near them because it was such a...
Summer Fun!
We have had yet another busy, fun, enjoyable week in Nursery! Our focus story this week was ‘The Singing Mermaid’. ‘Tempted by the promise of fame and fortune, the Singing Mermaid joins a circus. The crowds love her, but the poor mermaid is kept in a tank by the...
RE – Noah’s Ark
In our RE lesson today, we learnt about a story from The Bible called Noah’s Ark. First, we re-capped our knowledge of books that are special to us. We then looked inside of our Chatterbox and found lots of different animal masks, an ark and a Bible. The children then...
It’s beginning to look a lot like Summer…
This half term in Nursery we are learning all about Summer. We have took parts in lots of Summer activities across the week and we still have 6 weeks left to go until the holidays. We are always so busy! As part of our writing assessment, we followed a picture Miss....
RE – Books
In RE this half term, we are going to be looking at special books from The Bible. Over the next few weeks, we will be reading and exploring these books and learning about why they are special. Today in our lesson, Miss Bannon read her favourite story and explained to...
In English, year 4 are writing a description of 'The Butterfly Lion'. The children enjoyed using a Thesaurus to help them generate a list of synonyms for adjectives to describe the lion.
Phonics and Writing
Reception class have been making chocolate crispy cakes! We were very excited when we discovered the ingredients on the table. Our first task was to break the chocolate into small pieces and then to melt the chocolate with the butter. We then added syrup to our mix,...